I hope this category is used a lot. I love to read and have read quite a few really good things in my time that I hope to share in this forum category.
I am going to start by saying my favorite book of ALL TIME is the Holy Bible. I have found it to be one of the most fascinating writings of sacred scripture. It is in my experience timeless, life-changing and without doubt the wisest teaching I have ever encountered. It is a book that I study and revere with great awe and gratitude.
I will try not to go on and on about it...but I do want to share my experience with this wonderful and Holy book. When I was a young girl (teen years) - I got it in my head I was going to try and read the Bible. This was quite odd, since I would not say I was religious or spiritual at all. In fact I spent almost all my time in Catechism class (now known as CCD), driving the poor, sweet nun we had... crazy. I frequently tried to convince my mother that I really did not need to go to Catechism or Church at all. So reading the Bible seemed to be quite strange indeed.
I started reading from the beginning (Genesis) and got very confused about what was on those pages. When I got to some of the parts, that as a teenager were quite naughty...I really started to weird out. Needless to say...I did not continue much further. I was raised a Roman Catholic and Bible study was not encouraged in the church I attended. In fact I had never even heard the term Bible Study until I was 37 years old.
At the age of 38 I was Baptised into what I now know as a relationship with Jesus and the most amazing thing happened. I was smitten with the overwhelming desire to read the Bible. It became an absolute necessity to me. I read it voraciously and found myself in awe of it's content. It took me 2 years to complete this endeavor from cover to cover. A result of reading the Bible was a strong desire to study it and learn as much as I possibly could. This was the same time that I was seriously involved with learning Martial Arts and I could not believe the amazing overlap in content.
I have found my Martial and Spiritual journey to be inseparable. I will not try to put that into words here in a post...but if anyone wants to know more about that...I would love to tell you about it.
I plan on posting to this category a lot. I love books and get so much joy from them. I will probably talk about a few Tai Chi/Martial Art books that I have read in some future posts. There are a couple that I have found to be life-changing as well and I look forward to hearing about the books that have made a significant impact on you. I also want to know which ones were just plain-old fun!